Greetings Jupiter Reef Club Owners,
Thank you for your emails and calls concerning the property. Hurricane Nicole made landfall as a category one hurricane just North of the Jupiter Reef Club early Thursday morning. Dangerous storm surge was predicted. Pursuant to an order from Palm Beach County Emergency Management the Jupiter Reef Club was evacuated on Wednesday, November 9th. Every effort was made to secure the property to the greatest extent possible.

Thursday morning, following a thorough post storm property assessment JRC was reopened. Thankfully we never lost power and all evacuated guests were welcomed to return just hours after the storm had passed.

The property held up tremendously well. The property sustained very minimal cosmetic damage. The building was sand blasted from the North Easternly winds. The pool and hot tub filled with sand. A few of the porch lights have been damaged. We are making every effort to restore the property to its pristine condition as quickly as possible. The staff and I are grateful for the patience of all owners and guests during the clean up process.
Despite the 18 foot waves beach errosion appears to have been avoided.

I am happy to report the pool and hot tub have been reopened and clean up is nearly complete. When you return to the property it will look as if the storm never hit at all. The excellence of the Jupiter Reef Club is made possible thanks to your ownership and commitment. Never hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns.