Greetings Jupiter Reef Club Owners,
This is a friendly reminder of the upcoming annual meeting and election. Your participation in the annual meeting is essential. If you are not available to attend the meeting in person, please send in a proxy form. CLICK HERE to download the proxy. The annual members meeting can only take place if a quorum exists. We must receive an adequate number of proxy forms to establish a quorum. If a quorum is not met, the association must bear the high cost of holding another meeting.
To complete the proxy you must fill in all of your unit number(s) and week(s) owned. For your proxy to count, your signatures must be legible or print your name below your signature. The proxy form can be returned by mail in the provided proxy return envelope, emailed to frontdesk@jupiterreefclub.org, or faxed to (561)743-0577. The ballot must be returned separately by mail in the return envelope with the owners signature line included in your packet.
CLICK HERE to download the complete packet mailed to you on March 4th . This includes the meeting notices, proposed budget, and ballot sheet with candidates’ information.
Thank you to all the owners who have already returned their completed ballot and proxy.
Ballot counters are needed! If you are able to attend the annual meeting on Tuesday, April 5th and would like to volunteer to be part of an Impartial Election Committee, please send an email to manager@jupiterreefclub.org.

2022 Election
There are five candidates in this year’s election to fill four open seats on the Board of Directors. Click on a candidates name below to view their resume. Please use the packet mailed to you to complete the voting process with the stipulated ballot envelopes.
2022-2023 Proposed Budget
There is no proposed increase in the annual maintenance and taxes.

Please see the below notice of the upcoming budget meeting.

Please never hesitate to contact me with any questions, suggestions, or concerns. Thank you for being a valued Jupiter Reef Club owner.